A website, huh?

I hold probably countless experiences working with HTML as well as other aspects of creating a website such as CSS, JavaScript, and a bit of JSON. I believe the professor might have said something about working with Notepad, which of course I tried at first, but being so used to IDEs like Visual Studio and VS Code, I jumped over to continue my work on VSC. 

I tried to keep my work pretty simple. I looked back to some of the first HTML files that I've made during my time in previous classes to refer to what basics I needed to apply. However, being away from the language for so long, it took me a while to get readjusted to the use of it. 

I had to refamiliarize myself with the use of elements such as <p>, <section>, heading and footer. Like I said, I was away from the language for a while because I was diving into learning more about C# and Python, two languages I was told would two of the most important languages I'd have to know if I wanted to get into the field. Heck, I even referred back to w3schools.com to check and see if I was doing things right. With my past experience in a web development class, I tried to stay away from the use of <div> due to the fact that my professor had been stressing out the entire period of the class not to use the div element as it helps to be entirely original with my content.

Other than that, it was fun diving back into HTML. 


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